SEN & Disabilities

The Learning Support Department at St Joan of Arc Catholic School is reflective of the code of practice for Special Education Needs 2014 and therefore based on the principle that all students should have access to Quality First Teaching.

Support for learning is facilitated through the principles of inclusive teaching and the deployment of Teaching Assistants to subjects or year groups.

For some students additional support is necessary to ensure that they make the maximum progress possible and they may need one of the following support programmes:

  • Literacy focused lessons
  • Targeted intervention in core subjects
  • Assessment for Access Arrangements –GCSE/A levels
  • Individual Mentoring

The learning support department team review progress on a regular basis through Education Healthcare Plan reviews and parental consultations on an appointment basis.

We undertake a period of thorough liaison with primary schools and parents before admission to ensure that we know and can plan to meet  your child’s needs.

We believe regular and effective liaison with parents will further enhance every child’s development.

Contact the SENDco:

Name: Ms Stark

Telephone number: 01923 773 881

Email: and title FAO: SENDco

Address: St Joan of Arc School, High Street, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire, WD3 1HG