Curriculum Overview

‘Love Christ, Inspire Others’

Whole School Curriculum Intent:

At St Joan of Arc Catholic School, our curriculum enables each individual student to develop in a way in which ‘faith, culture and life are brought into harmony’.*

In years 7, 8 and 9, our students build a broad knowledge base and develop personal attributes through the study of a balanced range of subjects. Learning empowers students to grow into intellectual, ambitious and virtuous young people, developing depth of understanding and skills integral to success and fostering a desire to make a purposeful, positive contribution to the world.  

The curriculum from years 10 to 13 becomes increasingly personalised as each student cultivates areas of passion, talent and interest. Placing Christ at the centre of everything provides each student with the faith to overcome adversity and the courage to open themselves up to personal, spiritual and academic development, enabling aspiration towards the highest levels of achievement.

*The Religious Dimension for Education in Catholic Schools, Congregation for Catholic Education, 1988

Further information:

If you would like a detailed overview of our whole school curriculum and subject-specific curriculum journeys please visit the Curriculum Map and Subjects pages.

Specific information regarding how our curriculum is accessible to those with disabilities or special educational needs can be found here.

If you require any additional information regarding our curriculum, please contact us via