Equalities & Additional Intervention

Public Sector Equality Duties 2024-2026

The school endeavours to meet the the needs of all individuals regardless of colour, creed, faith sexual orientation and gender. All adults and students are expected to treat each other, and everyone within our community, with dignity and regard for their beliefs. The rights of all peoples will be vigorously defended and the adults and students of St Joan’s will always strive to live by the school mission statement of, ‘Love Christ: Inspire Others

Recruitment of staff is open and transparent in order to ensure all individuals have an equal and fair chance for promotion or employment. Positions will always be filled on a meritocity and ability criteria.

All pupils will be supported in a manner which is equal and fair, ensuring there is no prejudice or bias when dealing with any issues that may arise while at school or in relation to life at the school for any individual.

The school target to promote the equality of opportunity for students over the next academic year is to increase levels of attendance amongst vulnerable groups compared to their attendance in the previous academic year. This focus has been selected because evidence shows that higher levels of attendance lead to improved outcomes for students.

The school offers a variety of interventions on an academic level as well as a pastoral level. There are online services that the school taps into to help with academic success and progress. There is the Learning Support department that offers intervention for all the pupils with learning difficulties. This support also extends to the loan of laptops to help students access the curriculum.

Support is offered to students who are having difficulties at school academically, socially or at home in order to ensure that they feel protected and loved in our community.