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Apprenticeship and Job Search
ASK/Amazing Apprenticeships
https://online.flippingbook.com/view/548515636/ The Sixth Formers' Guide to Degree Apprenticeships
Guide to Intermediate Apprenticeships (Latest)
Guide to Advanced Apprenticeships (Latest)
Guide to Higher Apprenticeships (Latest)
Guide to Degree Apprenticeships (Latest)
www.notgoingtouni.co.uk Apprenticeship vacancy information and advice about job search.
https://www.getmyfirstjob.co.uk/ Apprenticeship vacancy information and advice about job search
www.allaboutschoolleavers.co.uk/ Apprenticeship vacancy information and advice about job search
https://careermap.co.uk/ Apprenticeship vacancy information and advice about job search
https://targetcareers.co.uk/apprenticeships-and-school-leaver-jobs Vacancy information
https://ratemyapprenticeship.co.uk Vacancy information
https://careerfinder.ucas.com/ UCAS database linked to degree and higher apprenticeships
https://www.indeed.co.uk/ Enormous generic job search site
https://www.gov.uk/jobsearch Vacancies at UK Job Centres